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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Review: Pure Ice Nail Polish

For the past few months, I've really been trying to break my habit of biting my nails because it's not sanitary, not pretty, and not healthy (duh!). I've found that the best way for me to break this habit is by constantly painting my nails and making sure they always look pretty and polished. So, to make a long story short, I've been stocking up on tons of nail polishes so I can switch up my nails as much as I want.

Last week, I found Pure Ice Nail Polishes at my local Walmart. These little babies are only $2.00 a bottle and are so far pretty impressive. They come in a wide variety of colors (my store carried about 40 different shades, finishes, and colors of Pure Ice), but I chose to get some more Halloween/Fall inspired shades that could potentially work for other times in the year.
From L to R: Electric!, Wild Thing, and Naughty Girl
The first polish I tried from the line was Wild Thing, a fabulous lime green polish. It has a regular finish, which means it's just glossy. I think it's fun and different and would work excellently for anyone going as a zombie for Halloween. However, I also think it would look sweet and tropical in the summer time.

Then, I moved onto Naughty Girl, which is a metallic tangerine color. I really loved this one because it looks somewhat neutral on the nail but definitely makes people do a double take. Because it's orange, it's definitely appropriate for fall, but I think it could really be worn at any time since it's so neutral.

Currently, I have Electric! on my nails. This solid black polish has tiny flecks of silver glitter in it which add some dimension to the nail and keep it from looking flat like many black polishes do. I definitely find it appropriate for Halloween (which is on Sunday. Get excited!), but I think you could also wear it for New Years Eve because of the crazy silver glitter in it.

A quick shot of all three polishes so you can see what they look like on the nail!

I've found that this polish lasts a pretty long time without chipping (about 4-5 days) and only requires two coats. However, drying time is a bit long for me: about 4-5 minutes. Still, for the color payoff and low price, I think Pure Ice Nail Polish is worth it. Check it out the next time you're in Walmart!

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