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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Battle of the Brands: The Search for the Perfect Mascara - Fabulash Mascara by Revlon

Today is day one of my new series, Battle of the Brands: The Search for the Perfect Mascara. Over the next several days, I will be trying out various drugstore brands of mascara in search of the perfect one. Each mascara will be judged on lasting power, how it feels on the eyes, curling power, volume creation, lash lengthening, and packaging. At the end of the series, I'll pick a new favorite!
Revlon's Fabulash Mascara in Black (002) is $6.89 at Ulta.

10:00 AM
Just applied the Fabulash Mascara! The wand looks super cool...

Please pardon my messy hair. I just got out of the shower.

But I'm not so sure about the formula. It seemed to clump pretty badly on my lashes (you can kind of see it in the picture below)...

And it still hasn't completely dried! I finished putting on mascara about 10 minutes ago and it's still a bit wet. Not cool, Revlon, not cool!

2:00 PM
Surprisingly, the mascara held a curl really well. I'm used to my lashes falling flat even if I do use an eyelash curler and mascara normally makes it much worse. It still looks a little clumpy, though which is kind of gross.

7:00 PM
GAH! Major smudging under the eye from this mascara!! Definitely not a fan of that. Lashes are still curled though, which is nice. I also really like that it doesn't make my lashes feel crunchy or hard: they're pretty soft. I would post some photos, but my lighting isn't great enough for you to see all the detail.

2:00 AM
Just about to go to bed. I think the mascara held up pretty well throughout the day. As I was taking off my makeup, I noticed that it made my lashes look a little bit longer which was nice, but there was still some smudging (not so nice). The mascara didn't come off at first, but when I used a cotton pad directly on my lashes, it came off pretty easily.

Overall, I think this mascara is okay. It held a curl and lasted longer than my previous mascara (which I will reveal at the end of the contest), but I was not a fan of the smudging and clumping. I don't believe this was a waterproof formula, which is another downfall.

Stay tuned for tomorrow, when I review Maybelline's Falsies Mascara as the Battle of the Brands rages on!

1 comment:

  1. i'm sure my mom must have worn this mascara!!! anytime she'd be dropping me off some place (like camp, or college) she'd wear these HUGE jackie kennedy sunglasses so no one could see she was crying. BUT she wore mascara that definitely was not water proof, so she'd be standing there w/big streaks running down her cheeks. when you finally find the perfect mascara, I'll send her the link!! thanks for posting this!!!
