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Friday, October 29, 2010

Review: Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Line

Aromatherapy products never really caught my eye before because I felt like they would either A) not work or B) give me a headache. However, BBW's aromatherapy line has been an enormous success in my opinion and is definitely worth trying out depending on what your needs are.

L to R: Sleep (Lavender Chamomile), Stress Relief (Eucalyptus Spearmint), Energy (Orange Ginger), Sensual (Jasmine Vanilla). Each of these travel bottles of body lotion sells for $5.00 or 3 for $10.00.

Sleep (Lavender Chamomile): If I have a lot on my mind or a big day ahead of me, this lotion is what I reach for after getting out of the shower at night. It smells sweet, but earthy and natural at the same time and helps me sink into the perfect deep sleep. In the morning, I feel relaxed, well-rested, and ready to take on the day.

Stress Relief (Eucalyptus Spearmint): I don't get stressed very often, but my boyfriend does. Recently, he's been turning to this scent to help sooth his nerves and he says it really works! I've noticed I've used it myself during finals week and I think it helps me keep a level head and not panic about my exams. This has a fresh, lemon-mint scent that instantly clears the mind and makes you think warm, happy thoughts. I'd strongly recommend it, if only for occasional uses (i.e. exam time).

Energy (Orange Ginger): Love, love, LOVE this scent! A quick dab of it on your chest, wrists, and temples and you're ready to hit the ground running! It has a very clear citrus scent with a spicy twist, making it perfect for early mornings or late nights (the after-afterparty? Psh! With this, you'll be able to make it till the next night, no problem). I honestly like this a lot more than any of those chemical-filled energy drinks on the market because you're not putting dangerous amounts of caffeine into your body. Instead, this simple body lotion gives off enough of a zing to keep you awake and alert.

Sensual (Jasmine Vanilla): Honestly, the first time I smelled this scent, I wasn't a fan. It came off as too musky to me and not sweet enough for a girl like me to use. However, after a few uses, I can honestly say that this is one of the sexiest scents I've ever tried! It's woodsy and earthy smelling, but when rubbed into the skin, it definitely evolves into a rich, naturally sweet scent. Try it out! You and your special someone will not be disappointed!

I chose to buy each of these scents in the travel body lotions at the summer sale just so I could test them all out. However, BBW offers each one in shower gels, body mists, sugar scrubs, massage oils, and even pillow mists (for the Sleep scent). Prices range from $5.00 for the travel bottles to $19.50 for a 14.5 oz candle. I find that the best way to use these scents is by applying a small amount to the upper arms, chest, neck, and temples so that the scent isn't overpowering, but definitely apparent to you. The Sensual lotion and Stress Relief lotion double nicely as massage lotions, as well.

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