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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Battle of the Brands: The Search for the Perfect Mascara - Voluminous Million Lashes by L'Oreal

Day five has arrived! Over the past four days, I've reviewed Fabulash Mascara by Revlon, Falsies Mascara by Maybelline, Sexy Curves Mascara by Rimmel London, and Lashblast by Covergirl.L'Oreal's Voluminous Million Lashes in Blackest Black (635) originally costs $8.99 at Ulta but was marked down to $7.99.

Today, we'll be trying out L'Oreal's Voluminous Million Lashes. This mascara also has a rubbery applicator free of fiber bristles that is also quite flexible (for what reason, I have no clue.). The face of the advertising campaign is the lovely Eva Longoria, which definitely influenced me when I considered which mascaras to test.
Frankly, I don't love the packaging. Yes, it's gold and shiny and blingy, but name just stamped on there? I think it makes the mascara look cheap, like it came out of a $10 makeup kit at Christmas time. Not my cup of tea!
But let's try it out, shall we?

10:00 AM
Ew. Not liking this formula at all. It absolutely REEKS.. like, straight up smells. How disgusting! If I didn't know better, I would think it had gone bad. It smells like old, dead flowers. GROSS!

Aside from the smell, I kind of feel like this did nothing on my lashes. They won't hold a curl (I've curled them twice now) and they certainly don't look voluminous. The mascara might have added a little length, but not enough to really make this worthwhile. At least it dried in like 30 seconds.

3:00 PM
Yeah, this mascara is a waste. Normally I'd reapply a few coats, but it smells so terrible, I can't bring myself to. It really looks like I'm wearing no mascara at this point, except that I can still feel the clumps along the base of my eyelashes.

7:00 PM
No real reason to update. I hate this formula

11:45 PM
Nothing seemed to really come off when I washed my face this evening. But my lashes feel clean and free of mascara, which to me, just means that it didn't stay on throughout the day. Super depressing!

Clearly, I was not a fan of this mascara. I think the smell was terrible and the formula was poorly made. I'm quite shocked this came from L'Oreal, a drugstore brand that normally produces the highest quality cosmetics at an affordable price. This mascara was a complete dud.

Tomorrow, I'll reveal my number one choice and rank these mascaras first through fifth place. Which one do you think will be the winner?

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