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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Battle of the Brands: The Search for the Perfect Mascara - Lashblast Mascara by Covergirl

Day four is here! Previously on the Battle of the Brands, I've reviewed Fabulash Mascara by Revlon, Falsies Mascara by Maybelline, and Sexy Curves by Rimmel London.

Covergirl's LashBlast Mega Volume Waterproof Mascara in Very Black (825) is $8.39 at Ulta.
Today, I'm trying out Covergirl's LashBlast, a mascara with such rave reviews that it's become an icon in pop culture, like Kleenex (as seen in the movie Whip It: "You can never have too much LashBlast"). What makes this mascara stand apart from others? Hopefully, I'll find that out today!

LashBlast has a synthetic rubber applicator with no fiber bristles. I think the applicator is a bit too wide, though, and I really had trouble getting my smaller, inner corner lashes with it.
The formula also has a strange smell? At first, it sort of smelled like cookie dough to me (haha..), but now it just smells 'off'.

10:00 AM
Just applied the mascara! It applied smoothly and reached all of my longer lashes 0n the middle and outer corner of my eye, but the lashes on the inner corner were just too small to really get coated. I definitely notice some lengthening of my lashes which is great and so far, it's holding a curl fabulously. Not much volume to report, though. I guess no volume will really compare to The Falsies mascara from a few days ago. This mascara dried pretty quickly (it took about 30 seconds).

3:00 PM
This mascara seems to have worn off a bit and I'm kind of surprised, really. I mean, I've heard such fantastic things about it, but it just isn't impressing me. There's like zero volume and my curl didn't last very well. This is kind of just sitting on my lashes =/

7:30 PM
Just applied another coat because I thought it looked so blah. It looks okay now, but I'm really not thinking this is a winner. It did apply very smoothly, though, which is surprising. Normally, when applying a mascara over a dry coat, the formula can clump and get really nasty. That wasn't the case with LashBlast, but I wondering if that's because it just wore off earlier.

1:30 AM
This mascara was almost impossible to remove! I had to rub my lashes for a good 2 minutes before the formula even began to soften. While this definitely proves it's lastability, it also proves that your eyes are going to hurt after wearing it. Not so sure that's a good thing..

To be quite honest, LashBlast disappointed me. After hearing such rave reviews and seeing it tied into a major motion picture (albeit a Drew Barrymore movie. She is the current model for Covergirl's campaign and produced Whip It), I really expected it to do and be everything a perfect mascara should. I don't think it really brings much to your lashes in terms of volume or curl-holding power and it's a pain in the butt to remove. I'm not saying this is a terrible product! However, I'd probably only use it as a backup, a mascara I could keep in my purse to throw on before running into a grocery store. At the same time, for the price I paid (it was the most expensive mascara I sampled this week), I don't know if I'd repurchase.

1 comment:

  1. It's so funny because I hear nothing but amazing things about LashBlast either; regardless, it has never piqued my interest. Though the results look gorg in the adverts; I can't help but to feel that they are less than stellar when see the product used by normal, everyday people. :/
