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Monday, October 18, 2010

Battle of the Brands: The Search for the Perfect Mascara - Falsies Mascara by Maybelline

Day two of my Battle of the Brands: The Search for the Perfect Mascara! Yesterday, I reviewed Revlon's Fabulash Mascara, so let's continue on with Maybelline's Falsies Mascara!

Maybelline's Falsies Waterproof Mascara in Very Black (291) is $6.99 at Ulta.

Maybelline's The Falsies Mascara is the lastest in the company's Volum' Express line. The one I bought is the waterproof kind, which I find normally helps the formula last longer. Let's see how it goes!

11:30 AM
The Falsies has a super cool wand that has a slight curve in it. This helps your lashes hold their curl and lengthens the lashes as the wand and formula are pulled through them.
So far, I really like this formula. It doesn't seem to clump up, but it does make my lashes look a little spidery (the lashes look like spider legs). At the same time, it definitely adds volume! I really think I look like I'm wearing false lashes. It's also holding a curl very nicely. The mascara dried within 45 seconds of application: another major plus!

3:45 PM
This mascara is still holding up. I think it's given my lashes really impressive volume and has held the curl fantastically. The spidery-ness is still sort of visible. No smudging to report, though!

10:00 PM
My lashes still look super full and long and have held a curl, but the crunchy, spider-legs look is still apparent. I do have to acknowledge that the formula stayed on all day and didn't budge, but I don't like that my lashes never softened up.

1:30 AM
This mascara was really hard to take off! I scrubbed at it with a cotton pad and my makeup remover and it hardly budged. Eventually, it started to rub off and then, after washing my face, it was all gone. It did burn a bit when I tried to get it off and my lashes feel a little tacky still. Eww!

Overall, I think this is a step up from the Revlon mascara I tried yesterday, but I'm still not thrilled. The spiky, spidery lashes aren't cute, so I need to find a way to make this work. I definitely think this product is worth hanging on to, but I need to play around with it until I can find a way for it to apply smoothly and look polished.


  1. I adore you for posting this review, as I have been eyeing this mascara since it was first released. After reading your thoughts, however, I think I'll stick with Maybelline's Volum' Express The Colossal. I have been using it for ages, and absolutely adore it!! :)

  2. Try Maybelline Lash Stiletto. I use the waterproof version and it's my favorite! It lasts through my 16 hour days, dries quickly and doesn't get spidery. It's worth a try! =]
