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Friday, October 1, 2010

White eyeliner is your best friend


If you pull all-nighters, cry your eyes out at a chick flick, or just have a really bad cold, white eyeliner is the best thing you can use. Apply a thin line to your bottom waterline (just above your lashes on your lower lid) and it instantly makes your eyes brighter, whiter, and bigger. How gorgeous!

You can also use white eyeliner along the inner corners of your eyes when doing a dark smokey eye so that the gray/purple/black/blue eyeshadow doesn't make you look like a raccoon. Another awesome trick? Apply white eyeliner allover your lids before applying a really vibrant color. The white base coat will make that color pop and look infinitely brighter.

At the moment, I'm really hooked on mark.'s No Place to Run Eyeliner in White On ($8.00). Yeah, this is kinda pricey for an eyeliner, BUT it does last forever because it seriously is waterproof. Therefore, you probably will not need to reapply it throughout the day.

So yes. White eyeliner + you = Biffles

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