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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tag, you're it! My Perfect Imperfections

Found this tag floating around Youtube the other day when a makeup guru I follow (DulceCandy87) posted her version of it. Basically, you name three physical traits about you that aren't necessarily perfect, but make you who you are and then three things you love about yourself. Sounds fun, right? Here's mine!

My Perfect Imperfections:
1) My under eye bags: No matter how much sleep I get or how much concealer I cake on, I can NOT seem to get rid of my under eye bags. I've tried everything: moisturizers, tea bags, cucumber, more sleep, more caffeine, less caffeine... EVERYTHING!! But no matter what, I always have little bags under my eyes. Sometimes they look really distracting and make smokey eyes look like black eyes, but now I've kind of just accepted that they're there and they probably always will be. Plus, I can look like a Vampire whenever I want (Lol.)!

2) My hair texture: I've discussed this before, but my hair texture is ridiculous. It can be smooth and silky one minute, and then frizzy and course the next. My hair is so ADD that I use dozens of different products to try to get it to just chill out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The good part is that if I am having a bad hair day, I can just thrown my hair up in a bun and be done with it. It's not super long (reaches about the base of my neck now), so it's not high maintenance in the brushing field. Of course, some days are really fantastic for my hair: it's soft, smooth, and doesn't fall flat. It would just be great if those days could be planned out in advance. Hehe..

3) My weight: Let me put it this way: I'm no skinny minnie. I have very real, very noticeable curves. I know I'm not fat, believe me. But I also know that I'm not a size zero which sometimes is a hard reality to deal with when you're shopping for the latest trends with friends that are half your size (or smaller). I'm definitely not jealous -- I know I fill out evening gowns and daisy dukes better than some -- but I can also definitely acknowledge the fact that my size is not society's "ideal" one. While I do work out quite often and eat healthily, I'm all too aware that certain parts of me are just not going to change because of my genes and body type. I think I'm okay with that, though, because I still love my body and it will always be my temple.

Three Things I Love About Myself:
1) My skin: I'm UBER fortunate to have skin that rarely breaks out, is not acne prone, is not sensitive, and has a really natural glow 95% of the time. I know that a lot of people struggle with their skin and hypothetically, I should have too, because my parents had problematic skin as teenagers and young adults. Maybe it's because I drink a lot of water, or maybe it's because I wash my face multiple times a day, but my skin is really, really good.

2) My eyelashes: Apparently, I have really thick and long natural lashes. My friend Courtney told me this last year as she was applying my makeup once. I didn't believe her at first, but then she handed me a mirror and made me look really closely. Even without mascara on, my lashes looked the same if not fuller and longer than her falsies. While I'm still a mascara fiend and almost always have it on, there have been days when I've rushed out the door without it and never noticed I didn't have any on until I go to take it off at night.

3) My dimple: You may not have noticed it in some of my posts, but I do have a small dimple on my left cheek, just to the side of the curve of my mouth. I really love this dimple because I feel that it makes my smile look more natural, more playful. You can always tell when I'm truly happy because that dimple shows up. I like that it looks youthful and adds some mischief to my appearance.

So there you have it. My three perfect imperfections and three things I like about myself. What would your list have on it? Post it in the comments, please! And feel free to tag me in any new tags you have!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't think of three each! Here's my best try.

    Perfect Imperfections:

    I wish I weren't so damn skinny! I feel like some clothes look weird on me, and sometimes I get rude comments about being anorexic. I really wish I had curves. The bright side? I always win flashlight tag because I can hide in recycling bins and wall crevices. =]

    Undereye circles/bags! I hate these too.

    Things I Love About Myself:

    My skin is super pale and never really breaks out. I get lots of compliments on it.

    My hair. It's super healthy and crazy curly. It really fits my bouncy personality.
