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Friday, November 19, 2010

Tag, you're it! My Makeup Story

New beauty tag floating around. Check it out and get to know me a little more!

1. How old were you when you started wearing makeup? Well, I got to wear makeup for the first time when I was in preschool and performing in a ballet recital. Since I continued to do ballet for the next 11 years, I always looked forward to my mom doing my makeup (some eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick) before the big shows. However, I got my own real makeup in about 5th grade, but I was only allowed to wear it on weekends. Then, in middle school, it became every Friday. Once I hit 10th grade, I started to wear it every day.

2. How did you get into makeup? I was always into really girly things, but I probably got hooked on it from my ballet recitals. Wearing makeup made me feel so mature and sophisticated!

3. What are some of your favorite brands? Rimmel London, Revlon, Sephora, Clinique, e.l.f., mark., Urban Decay.

4. What does makeup mean to you? To me, makeup is an art form. I see my face (and body) as a canvas that I can constantly redecorate every day. How fun is that?!

5. If you could only wear 4 products on your face what would they be? Concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick.

6. What is your favorite thing about makeup? I like that you can be whomever you want to be when you wear it. You can be yourself in a really natural look and just highlight things you like about yourself, or you can be a whole other person and test out some crazy look you've never seen on yourself before.

7. What do you think about drugstore makeup vs high end makeup? 99% of the time, I feel that drugstore makeup is just as good if not better than high end makeup.

8. What is one tip of advice you can give to a beginner? Don't be afraid to try new looks. You don't have to wear them all day, but take the time to try out different looks and styles. You might be surprised to see that something you never thought would work on you could look perfectly fantastic on you.

9. What is one makeup trend you never understood? Thin, penciled in eyebrows. I really love my brows' natural shape and curve, so I don't really do too much to them. I think they frame my face naturally and make me look more graceful.

10. What do you think about the beauty community on YouTube? And in this case, blogger? I think they're both really good! You have great gurus in both mediums and I think they have a lot of great experience to share with readers. But never forget that this community is NOT the Gods of makeup. All we do is share secrets that work really well for us. Don't be afraid to think outside our boxes and find products and looks that work for you.

I, of course, tag all of you: my loyal readers. Answer in the comments section, please!

1 comment:

  1. i love that "take time to try different looks, you don't wear them all the time" line. It speaks loud to me ;)

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