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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Allow Me to Clarify: You're Beautiful Just The Way You Are!!

Recently, I've noticed a disturbing trend. Some of the most popular makeup gurus on Youtube are making videos that say makeup makes them beautiful. That they feel pretty when they have a full face of makeup on.

Well, I'm here to tell you that that's simply not true. Each and every one of us is beautiful in our own way without makeup on. To prove my point and to prove that I'm not afraid to be seen without my makeup, here I am!

See? That wasn't so bad!

My point is, is that we as a culture have made makeup something completely different from what it historically set out to be. The ancient Egyptians used to makeup to 1) protect their eyes from the strong sun and 2) to highlight what was already beautiful about them. Native tribes around the world used (and continue to use to this day) body paint when heading into war or to mark important days in their lives. Not one of the originating cultures of cosmetics ever thought that makeup was the only thing that made them beautiful.

And I think that's the state of mind we have to get back to. We should view makeup as something that accentuates are natural beauty, something that makes our best qualities stand out. Never should you feel like you're hiding behind a mask of makeup because you aren't pretty.

Makeup is an art. It can be used to transform a person into someone else. But don't force yourself into believing that your original identity isn't good enough. If at any time you look in the mirror and can't see yourself beneath the makeup you're wearing, take it all off and start over. Because somehow, somewhere, you lost yourself and forgot that you don't need something artificial in order to be attractive.

So the next time you go to apply your makeup, stop for a second and really look at yourself without your makeup on. Take in how gorgeous you are without a full face of makeup on. Don't let makeup hide areas you're insecure about, but rather use to show off features you're proud of. Because no matter how much makeup you apply, true beauty radiates from within and you're only as pretty as you feel inside!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. You're beautiful with or without makeup!
