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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Review: Wet n' Wild Lipstick

Always the bargain hunter, I recently stumbled upon Wet n' Wild's makeup display in my local Publix while I was shopping for groceries with a friend. At first I didn't notice it, honestly. The display was pretty nondescript with no flashy signs and no pictures of their cover models. However, my eyes were caught as I was browsing price tags.

Covergirl: $12.99. Revlon: $14.99. L'Oreal: $9.99.

Wet n' Wild: $0.99?!?! What???

So I, the beauty brain and bargain hunter I am, moved in for a closer look. About a week earlier, I had picked up two of the brand's single eyeshadows (which I still have to review. Sorry!). This time, though, I was on the hunt for something I often avoid: lipstick.

Wet n' Wild didn't disappoint my wallet. Each lipstick was only $0.99 and the store had about 15 colors in stock. So I picked up three..

My three new Wet n' Wild lipsticks. From L to R: Fuchsia with Blue Pearl (521A), Nouveau Pink (511B), and Pink Ice (528A). $0.99 each.

I quickly realized that each lipstick was very glossy or even metallic-y: not really my thing. However, by simply blotting at your lips immediately after applying, you can totally change the appearance of these lipsticks and make them look like an expensive, high fashion product.

Pink Ice: A lovely neutral lipstick that looks a bit too frosty when applied, but can be blotted down to a gorgeous, peachy color. I especially loved wearing this with blue eyeliner and a neutral gloss to channel the hottest look from this summer. However, I also think it would look great with a smokey eye for a night-time look.
From frosted and glossy to totally matte..

Nouveau Pink: Okay, I know it looks like the name of this one is spelled awkwardly, but that's really how it's spelled on the packaging. Anyway, I really like this pink lipstick a lot. It's very feminine and instantly makes any neutral look a lot less neutral. I think it would be a great choice for holiday parties this year as it can be worn with a neutral eye or a smokey eye and would in fact look great with purple eyeshadow. This lipstick is not very glossy or metallic-y, but I would still recommend blotting it to reduce smudging later on.
Glossy to matte..

Fuchsia with Blue Pearl: Definitely the funkiest lipstick I've ever tried! I bought this on a whim and because it always seems like purple lips are popular in the winter. I, however, am a little too afraid to rock a violet lip, so I went with the pinkiest purple I could find! This is a very bold color and probably should only be worn at night with neutral or gray eyes. I would recommend blotting it or else it looks a bit clownish, but over all, it's a really cool color. Check it out! For the ridiculously low price, you might as well try the trendiest look for winter.
Glossy to matte...

My only complaint about these lipsticks is that the packaging is really quite poor. It looks and is cheaply made, so don't expect this to be a gorgeous product at first glance. However, if that's how Wet n' Wild is keeping prices down, then I'm all for it!

Over all, I think these lipsticks are really quite a steal. The colors are as pigmented and as different as MAC and definitely as trendy. But, like all things trendy, they won't (and shouldn't) last forever, so why spend $13.00 on a lipstick that could be very much out of style in a few months? Instead, get one of these Wet n' Wild lipsticks and don't feel guilty.
Swatches! From L to R: Nouveau Pink, Pink Ice, and Fucshia with Blue Pearl.


  1. Great review! I have purchased Wet 'n' Wild products in the past myself, and have been quite pleased with them - especially their affordability!! :)

  2. I always appreciate a good bargain. Great find.
